How can I avoid MSG?

In the early part of this century, MSG - monosodium glutamate - was extracted from seaweed and other plant sources to be used in foods much like other spices.  Today, MSG is made from starch, corn sugar or molasses from sugar cane or sugar beets.  It is produced by a fermentation process similar to that used for making beer, vinegar and yogurt.

MSG is one of the most thoroughly tested of all food ingredients with 100s of scientific studies confirming its safety but many people experience extreme sensitivity producing a wide range of unpleasant symptoms and there is a growing body of evidence to suggest its use as a food additive is not as benign as previously thought.

Everyone is familiar with Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, the runny nose, headache, anxiety, tingling in the neck and arms and abdominal pain that can be caused by MSG.  But MSG is also found in a wide variety of foods as a preservative or flavour additive and you may often not be aware of its presence until too late!

If MSG is a trigger for you, then BEWARE.

Here is a list of hidden sources of MSG

These always contain MSG -

Monosodium glutamate
Hydrolyzed protein
Sodium Caseinate
Yeast extract
Autolyzed yeast
Textured protein
Yeast food
Calcium caseinate
Hydrolyzed oat flour

These often contain MSG - 

Malt extract
Malt flavoring
Barley malt
Natural flavoring(s)
Natural beef flavoring
Natural chicken flavoring
Natrual pork flavoring

These create MSG -

Protease enzymes
Fungal protease

These should be questioned -

Whey protein
Torula yeast
Smoke flavoring
Soy protein isolate
Whey protein concentrate
Soy protein concentrate
Vegetable gum
Corn syrup


Bon appetit :)

Posted on August 25, 2015 and filed under You asked us.