What should I look for in safe, natural skincare?

We hear this question a lot. There are so many potentially harmful chemicals hiding in supposedly helpful cosmetic and skincare products. We turn to a trusted source for an answer. Here's a list of David Suzuki's top 12 worst offenders. If you see these in the list of ingredients of products you're considering, best put them back on the shelf...

From The David Suzuki Foundation

Read more about these toxic chemicals on "David Suzuki's website at www.davidsuzuki.org/issues/health/science/toxics/dirty-dozen-cosmetic-chemicals/

  1. BHT and BHA
  2. Coal tar dyes
  3. DEA-related ingredients
  4. Dibutylphalate
  5. Formaldehyde
  6. Parabens
  7. "Parfum" or "fragrance"
  8. PEG compounds
  9. Petrolatum
  10. Siloxanes
  11. 1Sodium laureth sulphate
  12. Triclosan
Posted on August 25, 2015 and filed under You asked us.