Why Does Foodstuffs Carry Toys for Just 2 Months of the Year?

Good question. 

We've been doing this for several years now and the best reason we can give you is this - just as the making and sharing of simple food from our past gives us joy - so does the finding and sharing of such uncomplicated fun. Much as we'd like to we can't take time out for toys all year long - we're mostly about health and specialty foods - but the time many of us take for indulging this sort of soft spot is at Christmas holiday time. 

So go ahead - put a giant rainbow spring in the middle of the table, plug in the lava lamp, wind up the 'roo-in-a-box, call everyone to dinner with a "ting" on the triangle and have a big fun family get-together with lots of good food and wonderful silliness.

Posted on October 17, 2015 and filed under You asked us.